They bolted down the gangway and took their tickets . 他们跑下阶梯,买好了票。
He bolted down a few mouthful of food and hurried back to the workshop . 他匆匆忙忙吃了几口东西,又回车间去了。
The lid was bolted down 盖子用螺栓紧固。
If you ' re fixing to cuff him to something , the toilet ' s bolted down 如果你在考虑把他铐在什么东西上的话,马桶是锁牢的
The surgeon on casualty duty was so busy that he just had time to bolt down a sandwich 那位值急诊班的外科医生非常忙碌,他仅有时间狼吞虎咽地吃了一份三明治。
Before proceeding with the final assembly of the machine , we strongly recommend that the machine be bolted down to a bench or positioned on a stand 在组装完之前,强烈要求把零件放在椅子上,或者把机器立起来。
It was known that small bands of orphaned kids roamed the island in packs , living off whatever they could find , taking anything that was not 5 ) bolted down 大家都知道有一帮孤儿成群结队地在岛上溜达,靠着他们所能找到的任何东西来维持生计,只要是没上锁的东西都会被他们拿走。